
Special Events | Design, creativity and production studio: LA FACTORIA DELS ANUNCIS

Dansa Metropolitana 2024

Special Events | Creative Studio: GLASSWORKS BARCELONA

Prompted Rhapsody – La Foneria

Advertising | Agency: CHINA

Sitges 2023 – Festival Internacional de Cinema Fantàstic de Catalunya

Special Events | Creative Studio: GLASSWORKS BARCELONA - Xavi Tribó & Clara Titos

La Foneria

Special Events | Agency: LA FACTORIA DELS ANUNCIS

GREC Festival de Barcelona 2023

Advertising | Pavlov

Rollin’ Gallo

Cinema, TV and Theatre | Client: Nwave

Wanted Alive

Advertising | Agencia: Buzz

Cinema, TV and Theatre | Client: Nwave

Meg & the lost Scepter

Conexiones globales